Sunday 18 November 2012

Saturday 17 November 2012

Artichokes in Sydney

I have very fond memories of eating artichokes both in France and in the UK when I was younger. As a child, it seemed to be one of the few dishes when all the normal table rules were put aside. Steaming artichokes arrived at the table with a cold, well salted and peppered vinaigrette. Everyone put their forks under the tops of their plates and we spooned vinaigrette into the plate where it collected in at the "smile" of the plate closest to us. Then, we would take the artichokes, strip the tough outer leaves and then dip the succulent tips of the younger leaves into the vinaigrette and scrape the tender meat from the artichoke leaves.
When I moved to Australia, all my research told me that Sydney was too warm to grow artichokes, however, I love this plant's beautiful silver, jagged leaves so they were planted (from seed) as an architectural backdrop at the bottom of our garden. Unexpected success is unusual, particularly with plants so I was so excited to see the first crowns appear on my plants a few weeks back.
They are mid sized now and in a few weeks, if the possums don't get there first we'll have our first home grown Australian artichokes. I am looking forward to reliving that wonderful childhood memory.

Monday 5 November 2012

Chicken and Puy Lentil Salad

This is one of our summer favorites  Really easy and fast to prepare and perfect with a glass of chilled dry white wine. This feeds four as a light lunch with nice bread.


  • 2 chicken breasts cut into thin strips about 2 inches long.
  • 200 grams of puy lentils
  • Bacon bits
  • 1 medium sized shallot
  • Olive oil
  • White wine vinegar
  • Dijon mustard
  • Mixed leaf salad
  • Chicken stock (optional)
  • Thyme, sprig
  • Oregano, sprig

Put the puy lentils into a saucepan with cold water, a pinch do salt, thyme, oregano and a little chicken stock if you are using it. Bring to the boil and simmer for 30 minutes until they have bite but are soft enough to eat.

Pour yourself a glass of wine or open a beer.

Next make the vinaigrette. In a salad bowl, measure in 3 salad spoons of olive oil, one of white wine vinegar and a teaspoon of Dijon mustard. Season. Finely chop the shallot and add this to the vinaigrette and then mix to emulsify.

Cook the chicken either on a griddle pan or on a barbecue, you are looking to get some good colour on the chicken but not over cook it. Cook the bacon until it is a little crispy. When the puy lentils are cooked, drain them and allow them to cool a little.

Add the salad to the vinaigrette, then the puy lentils, mix then layer on the grilled chicken and the bacon.

If you have some, sprinkle some chopped fresh herbs like parsley, fennel or dill. Serve with crusty bread, chilled dry white wine and lots of sun.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Building our Pizza Oven - Part 4

We're getting close, today I start building the oven itself, first I have to put a vapour seal on the top of the slab to keep any moisture from the concrete and then a thicknsheet of insulation. On top of this go the fire bricks.

The oven itself comes in three precast section. The biggest section, the back section weighs 112 kg so I needed some muscle to help me lift it into place. Thanks Simon and Luc.

Now the middle section lifts on and with some minor adjustments fits in perfectly. After that the front section seems easy at only 30 or so kg.

Next step is to cut the sheets of insulation and once that is in place, cover it with aluminium foil and then chicken wire.

Here it is nearly complete, all I need to do now is fit the flue, render the oven and then cure it for a week to dry it out. Then we will be ready to go, Pizza anyone?

See Next Pizza Oven Post

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