Sunday 4 November 2012

Building our Pizza Oven - Part 4

We're getting close, today I start building the oven itself, first I have to put a vapour seal on the top of the slab to keep any moisture from the concrete and then a thicknsheet of insulation. On top of this go the fire bricks.

The oven itself comes in three precast section. The biggest section, the back section weighs 112 kg so I needed some muscle to help me lift it into place. Thanks Simon and Luc.

Now the middle section lifts on and with some minor adjustments fits in perfectly. After that the front section seems easy at only 30 or so kg.

Next step is to cut the sheets of insulation and once that is in place, cover it with aluminium foil and then chicken wire.

Here it is nearly complete, all I need to do now is fit the flue, render the oven and then cure it for a week to dry it out. Then we will be ready to go, Pizza anyone?

See Next Pizza Oven Post

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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