Sunday 19 May 2013

Mother's Day Picnic

Mother's Day was last weekend here in Australia and this year I wanted to do something a little different.  As Autumn comes to an end and we move into our (relatively short) winter, I try to make the most of the last beautiful sunny days before it gets too chilly to sit out.  We are eating a lot of seafood at the moment so I planned a seafood only picnic that we could pack up and take into the National Park at Bobbin Head which is just a 15 minute drive from our house.

I wanted to keep things as simple but as nice as possible so I looked for simple ingredients that I could pre-prepare to keep any cooking to a minimum.  We packed a table and chairs along with plates, cutlery and of course, and ice bucket.  Here is the picnic I came up with.


Oysters with Shallot Vinegar



Smoked Salmon and chive "cigars" with fish eggs and sesame seeds

These are so easy, take a slice of smoked salmon, slice in half and then roll up in the shape of cigar around a couple of chive stalks.  Place a couple of these on each plate, add a spoon of black fish eggs as garnish (be as cheffy as you like) and then sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Main Course

Seared Scallops on Fennel and Orange salad with grated lightly pickled beetroot

The salad is simply half a fennel sliced finally sliced on a mandolin and two oranges carefully segmented with a sharp knife to remove the fibrous insides.  For the beetroot, grate half a beetroot and pour over a tablespoon of cider vinegar.  Leave both for an hour or so whilst you drive to your picnic.

When you need to plate, sear the scallops on a spray of oil.  They will only take 2 minutes each side and when they are ready, plate them on a bed of the salad with the beetroot to one side.  Serve with a crisp white wine.

The great thing about this menu is that it was incredibly easy to prepare and produce.  The oysters take no preparation at all and the shallot vinegar only takes a few minutes.  The salmon can be prepared in advance and only needs assembling to get it served.  The only cooking required in this menu is the scallops and for this I brought our gas powered stove and a single non-stick frying pan.

In many respects, this picnic is easier to prepare than a sandwiches and crisp type of picnic, I know what I would prefer!

Chilli Pickle

I love chillies, I love the sensation of heat, the amazing impact they can have on food and I also love them as plants.  Seeing the chillies emerge from their flowers, grow and eventually, turn bright red, is a favorite part of the end of summer for me.  They make great house and balcony plants and are pretty easy to look after.  The only downside is that the possums like them as much as we do!

This year we have had an abundant harvest, far more than we can use at one time, so in the old tradition of preserving and pickling for the winter, I decided to pickle the last of our Indian long chillies as Indian Chilli Pickle.  I love this recipe as it is so easy and we get to eat it with curries for several weeks after.


  • 20 long green Indian Chillies
  • 3 heaped teaspoons of coriander seeds
  • 1 1/2 heaped teaspoons of fennel seeds
  • 1 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds
  • 1 teaspoon of mustard seed
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon of mango power (Amchur)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of asafoetida
  • splash of white vinegar
  • spray of oil
Grind all the whole spices to a fine powder then add the ground spices.  Chop the chillies into halves lengthways and then into small 10 mm pieces.  

Heat a wok on hight heat and apply a good spray of oil.  Just as the oil starts to smoke, add the chillies.  Keep moving the chillies on the high heat for 2 - 3 minutes then add the ground spices.  Fry for another minute or so but don't let the spices or the chilli burn, then add the vinegar.  Turn the heat right down and make sure all the spices have been scraped from the bottom of the wok.

Transfer the chilli and spices to a sterilised (this is important!) jar, close the lid and let the pickle cool down.

Leave for two weeks, shaking every now and then.  Enjoy with curry or just rice!