Saturday 13 July 2013

Fennel, Orange, Daikon, Proscuttio and Goat's Cheese Salad

I love the combination of fennel and orange, I love the crunch and aniseed of fennel combined with the sweetness and acidity of orange.  They make a great salad all by themselves but fennel and orange make more than just a salad, pair it with other ingredients it makes a great lunch or light dinner.

Fennel, Orange and Scallops are stunning and, as we found out today, Fennel, Orange, Daikon, Proscuttio and Goat's Cheese also makes a stunning lunch.

  • 1 Fennel Bulb
  • 3 Oranges
  • 1/4 of a Daikon
  • 6 large slices of Proscuittio
  • Goat's Cheese

There isn't too much to this recipe, slice the fennel very finely either with a good knife or a mandolin.  Peel two oranges and cut the segments from the pith.  Cut the daikon into cubes, add all of the above ingredients with the juice of the remaining orange.

Serve with a chilled white wine.