Sunday 1 December 2013

The First Chillies of Summer 2013

In Sydney, the warmer weather means our chilli plants grow as perennials and each year they seem to produce more and more fruit.  I grow several different varieties from mild Rococo, long thin hot Indian chillies, fiery hot Thai chillies to the blindingly hot Scotch Bonnets.  Some of these have been producing for over 4 years and show no sign of slowing down.
Last year, we had enough fresh chillies to keep us going from late spring and into early autumn with the excess frozen for use in winter.  We even had enough to make a few batches of our chilli pickle.  The pattern seems to be continuing as we already have harvested more than enough chillies to last us well into the New Year.  I have so far picked the largest and will leave the smaller chillies to grow.  Interestingly, our Thai chillies are not quite ready to pick yet.

Time for some more Chlli Pickle!