Sunday 1 July 2012

This Year's Turmeric Harvest

I have been growing Ginger, Turmeric and Galangal for about three years and over the last two years, I have had great harvests. This year, although my Turmeric has grown really well, I have had no luck with my Ginger and Galangal.  I blame the very wet summer inflicted on us; just as well it is easy to buy both of those in the shops as fresh turmeric is so much harder to find.

Most people use dried and powdered Turmeric but I find that it looses much of its beautiful flavor when dried.  Fresh turmeric doesn't have the vibrant colour that powdered turmeric has so I tend to use some of each, fresh for the flavor and dried for the colour.

I started growning turmeric from a single tuber that I bought from Daley's Nursery a few years ago.  Since then I have split the tubers each season and replanted and now have well over 6 plants growing each year.  This is more than enough to keep us in fresh turmeric for the whole year and, as if freezes so well we are well supplied through the out of season months as well. This is one of my plants just before I harvested it over this weekend.

And just after it had been dug out of the ground.

As is is a tuber, it can be quite difficult to clean so after harvesting, I tend to soak the tubers in water for an hour or so and then break of the smaller tubers which I then keep for food use. 

Turmeric is also a very beautiful plant with long elongated, variegated leaves.  They are perfect for serving Asian dishes or condiments and add green lozenges of colour to the table when used this way.  

The main part of the plant (below) gets kept back to be replanted into pots and I then over winter them in the greenhouse ready to be planted back in the garden in early to mid spring.

Turmeric takes nearly no maintenance and doesn't seem to be susceptible to pests or disease.  I love the tropical, leafy feel it brings to our garden and would grown them even if I couldn't eat them.  Next year, I'll be growing more turmeric but I'll also be giving some special attention to my ginger and galangal so that I don't miss another years harvest.

Anyone else growing turmeric?


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