Sunday 14 April 2013

Prepared Horseradish

I harvest our horseradish in mid autumn once their leaves have died down.  I normally get about a kilo of horseradish root which easily lasts us for the year and leaves enough to plant for the next year.

Fresh horseradish is incredibly pungent and strong but if you don't prepare it soon after harvesting it looses it's strength and much of its taste.  Preparing it with vinegar and a little salt stops this process and you can then freeze it for use over the year.

You need to be a little careful when preparing horseradish but treat it in the same way as you would chillies and you will be fine.  All you need is:

  • Horseradish root
  • Some water
  • White wine vinegar

Peel your horseradish, chop roughly, then chop in a food processor with a very small amount of water to make a fine paste.  Don't add too much water. Add some white wine vinegar to stabilise the horseradish and you are done.

I then freeze this prepared horseradish in small quantities in freezer bags so I can just snap off however much I need when I want to make horseradish sauce.

So easy.


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