Monday 11 November 2013

Horseradish Sauce

After several weeks of unseasonably hot weather, Sydney has been drenched by rain over the last two days.  Martha follows the seasons even when they relapse so after several weeks of salads, Martha is preparing a beef roast for dinner.  Even though we are just a few weeks away from summer, I thought now would be a good time to use some of the horseradish I harvested and prepared last autumn. 

Horseradish is a wonderful root, very pungent and strong but if prepared properly will keep for ages.  Preparing in this way also makes producing wonderful horseradish sauce when you need it so easy.

This makes a small amount as a small quantity goes a long way and it doesn't keep.

2 tablespoons of prepared horseradish

2 tablespoons of soured cream

1/2 teaspoon of Dijon mustard 

Chopped chives.

Mix and serve with rare roast beef.